Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lentil soup with sour cream 1 to 1 (10.5 g fiber to 9 g fat)

Lunch:  perhaps you've noticed a theme:  I don't spend much time on cooking.

At the computer, things that make me want to eat brownies is a file not loading, a file being in the wrong format for editing, etc, and being hungry.  Time to get lunch.

One full bowl of soup is 3/4s of a can, so 7.5 g fiber, 3 g fat for the soup and 2 Tablespoons of sour cream adds 6 g of fat (no fiber.)  My soup is too hot so I'm going to add a slice of whole wheat toast (3 g fiber) to sop it up.
Total:  10.5 grams fiber, 9 grams fat.  Score!

Dr. Oz says that if doing the Paleo diet, he would add lentils and quinoa.  They have so many healthy nutrients that they're like free food, I take it to mean.  Lentils and quinoa are part of the solution, not the problem.

I was on an I-like-chocolate diet I was on for about four months.  I just think that's real life sometimes.

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