Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Logging in from Russia

That's pretty cool:  the stats page says that someone read my post from Russia.  Wow and welcome!


  • make less desserts (Made one package of brownies last night rather than the normal two.  We had fewer people home to eat them.)
  • put brownies out of sight in the cupboard this morning
  • Have ready-to-grab foods that are O.K. to eat a lot of:  yesterday I was hungry entering the house and later than I had thought I would be.  There were mukimame beans in the fridge and it filled me up before going out the door again.  It would help to have a larger list of quick, running-late food.
  • Treated myself to an apple juice box (lunch box size) instead of hunting down the larger juice in the next room, because I was multitasking, there were several things going on and I was in a hurry to finish the meal.
  • I could add hard boiled egg whites, and a nutrition bar (raisin and oatmeal,) apples, of course, cooked quinoa (frozen in single serving sizes, microwave to eat.)  This is sounding very dry.
  • Enjoy the good taste of the food.  Look forward to eating and stop doing more work while eating, says I to myself.  :)

This morning I enjoyed a thick slice of whole wheat toast (3 g fiber each slice) with a little butter.  Bread is kept in the freezer so it will keep until I eat it all.

I tried to make pico de gallo last night but didn't have one of the ingredients.  So instead we had tostadas:  tostada (high in fiber), with fresh lime juice, salt, shredded cooked chicken, chopped onions, chopped tomatoes and chopped fresh jalapenos.  Very good.

The chicken was leg quarters baked/broiled for an earlier meal and frozen individually.  One leg quarter serves two persons if there are enough toppings for the tostadas (and people aren't too hungry.)  Microwaving it on timed heat/lower temperature, like 8:00 minutes on power 6, keeps the chicken tasting fresh.

It's really helpful to have been successful once on the phone app, MyFitnessPal.  By reaching the right number of calories, not being hungry, getting a high fiber count for the other day, it helps me to know that it's O.K. to eat butter with my toast.  I like butter.  I like sweets.  

Thanks for listening.

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