Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New product: Seaweed

It's raining today.  I like rainy days.  The world shuts down a bit and gives me a chance to find my thoughts.

Seaweed came in the mail yesterday.  By the way, I think Amazon-type ordering of food is one of the greatest advantages from how I used to buy groceries, when I had to go to the store weekly.  It takes too long to search several stores for specific items and then not know if its in stock.

Wrong seaweed - this is actually dried seaweed.  The better stuff is thin, crunchy and salted.  This is actual grows-in-the-sea seaweed and a little too much.
2 g fiber and no fat.  I will try to serve it using the sheets of seaweed as a tortilla and stuff it with rice and spicy tuna (which I don't have.)  Anyway 0 for 1.

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