Friday, September 25, 2015


Yea!  Yesterday I ate enough fiber!

Surprise.  I ate

  • one cup of broccoli (with sour cream)
  • 15 strawberries
  • half of a bagel with cream cheese
  • coffee with half and half and sugar
  • a kale salad with quinoa and garbanzo beans
  • part of a banana
  • 1 cup Cherrios with sugar
  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • cup and a half of canned corn
  • 1 1/2 c potato chips
  • a hamburger with bun

I used Safeway's delivery service for the first time.  They brought this salad.  I hope by eating less than half of the dressing the fat content is lower than stated at 27 g.  The dressing was delicious.  I don't remember eating kale in a salad before.  8 g fiber.

I am used to quantifying meals by cost.  This salad costs $5-6, but because it is relatively expensive, doesn't mean I can eat less to spend less.  I'm still hungry.  

So, moving ahead - success in finding a day's worth of food with fiber!

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