Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yeast bread with fiber - Panera's

Bagels, 6 g fiber - bread 3 g fiber.  Rolls I don't know.
I really like the miche bread, bagels not so much.  I'm putting everything in the freezer.

You know, this concept of 'normal' food is strange.  I have been craving yeast bread with fiber, since starting to eat all these vegetables, beans, etc.  I mean, really, I'm a saltines kind of person, with peanut butter and honey.  

The food cooked for dinner takes more time, attention.  Even shopping today at the Latino store and bread store (Panera's) is something I don't normally have time for.  So I need to do less - go back to normal with the goal of increasing the overall amount of fiber in my family's diet:  one, by simply having the ingredients available.  I found rice that has 3 g of fiber per serving that tastes very good.

Sold by: ShippedFast

It is a privilege to be able to order food.

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