Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oliver: "Food, glorious food..." / Lime press

Wait until you see what the store had:

I haven't been in this store, a Latino store, for about two years.  But they've expanded and I am impressed.  I went in for one of these:

to go along with the lemon water article I found.  Apparently lemon causes more beneficial reactions in a person's insides, (the liver,) than any other food.  True or not, I don't know but I have heard that before.  We're going to go with limes because I do not have the hand strength to make one of these presses work, if it's a lemon.  They had a lemon press for sale and I have seen grapefruit ones also, but....  Cut the lime in half and place upside down in the press.  Makes for easy delivery of all that good stuff.

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