Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Probiotic-SR, not continuing to use

Designed to increase the amount of slowly digested protein, this supplement is taken by adding to liquid once a day.  I am interested in it because it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA,) which is helpful in keeping cells healthy before disease.

     [Edit later:  I tried it once.  It affected me in that I did feel full, couldn't sleep and something had a      powerful effect.  I would liken it to the hormones post-pregnancy.  I am not continuing to use this        product.]

Along other lines,  I'm not sure about this:


The removal of excess estrogen can be increased by a natural substance called Calcium D-Glucarate, because it inhibits beta-glucuronidase activity in the body. This means that estrogen bound for excretion stays bound, and the total estrogen load on the body is reduced. In clinical trials, tissues that are sensitive to excess hormones – such as breast, liver, and lung – have been shown to respond favorably to Calcium D-Glucarate. In addition to estrogen and estrogenic compounds, Calcium D-Glucarate helps promote excretion of other hormone metabolites as well as cellular toxins and steroids.

Calcium D-Glucarate is made naturally in small quantities in the body; it is also found in a variety of fruits and vegetables: oranges, broccoli, carrots, spinach, and apples. Taking probiotic supplements can dramatically reduce the number of beta-glucuronidase-producing bacteria in the gut. A diet that reduces red meat to less than 3 ounces a day and emphasizes plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and fermented foods containing live organisms also promotes a healthy population of friendly bacteria and a significant reduction in E. Coli populations.

Oral administration of large doses of Calcium D-Glucarate have been shown to lower serum estrogen levels in rats by 23 percent. Because many breast cancers are estrogen-dependent, Calcium D-Glucarate’s ability to affect estrogen and other hormone levels has led to Phase I clinical trials at several major cancer centers in the United States. Results of these studies are pending.

Published human studies on Calcium D-Glucarate and breast cancer are few but, due to the encouraging results of the animal studies, the National Cancer Institute has initiated a Phase I trial in patients at high risk for breast cancer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. This trial is examining the use of Calcium D-Glucarate as an alternative to Tamoxifen’s blocking of estrogen receptors. Preliminary results are quite encouraging and due to Calcium D-Glucarate’s excellent safety profile, it may be a more effective option than tamoxifen, which has numerous side effects.

Other human trials are being conducted at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and AMC Cancer Research Center in Denver, Colorado. No adverse effects have been observed after prolonged feeding to rats or mice at concentrations of 70, 140, or even 350 mmol/kg. Preliminary results of clinical trials in humans have shown Calcium D-Glucarate is without adverse effects.

Calcium D-Glucarate is widely available in health food stores and over the internet.

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