Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Not sure

"Isoflavones from soy, red clover, and kudzu root are all helpful in improving estrogen detoxification by improving the activity of specific detoxification enzymes and can be taken as supplements or in the diet."

"Dandelion root can help with liver detoxification and work as a diuretic."

"Replacing healthy bacteria in the gut also helps normalize estrogen and hormone metabolism. Taking 5-10 billion live organisms daily in a probiotic is ideal."


from another source:

Premenopausal Women

A study published in the November 2004 issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention" examined the effects of eating soy foods containing about 50 mg of isoflavones per day in 220 healthy premenopausal women. After a 2-year period, blood levels of estradiol and estrone remained unchanged. The authors of the study concluded that any potentially beneficial effect of soy foods on breast cancer risk in premenopausal women probably does not involve lowering of circulating estrogen levels. A complete analysis of a total of 11 clinical studies with premenopausal women found that eating soy foods does not affect circulating estrogen levels, according to a review appearing in the July-August 2009 issue of "Human Reproduction Update."

     Soy Protein and Estrogen Levels in Men

A study published in the March 2005 issue of "The Journal of Nutrition" investigated the effects of soy protein and isoflavones on blood estrogen levels in 35 healthy men, average age 28. After 2 months, men consuming diets containing soy protein rich in isoflavones had blood estrogen levels slightly higher than men consuming milk protein, although the increase was not statistically significant. However, men eating soy protein with most of the isoflavones removed had significantly higher estrogen levels than men eating milk protein. The researchers conducting this small study concluded that these effects were "minor."
Therefore, soy protein with isoflavones removed is less helpful than soy protein with isoflavones intact.  Probiotic-SR has soy protein isolate (with lecithin.)  

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