Monday, October 26, 2015

Learning to eat fiber-rich foods I like

Mission accomplished:  I am learning to eat foods that have fiber that are good for me.

Miche whole wheat bread from Panera's, almond nut butter from Target, banana slices and 1% milk.

Also mission accomplished:  I found dates at the grocery store.  I had been looking for several trips now, but couldn't find them.

On the days that I'm not working on this, I'm both eating the new good-for-me foods and (less) of the old, regular (low-fiber) foods.  Bottom line:  the new foods are efficient but I can't eat them like candy AND eat everything else.  I'm not hungry but even when I'm not hungry, sometimes I'm still eating, especially favorites and old-time foods.  Still haven't moved the snacks out of the downstairs living room.

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