Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Whole wheat bagel

So there is an effect on my insides.  I jumped back to minimal-fiber foods for part of the weekend so that it would settle down.

The goal is to identify fiber-rich foods that I like and am being successful in that.

I really liked the Panera's whole wheat bagel that I had in the freezer.  Lay the frozen unsliced bagel on top of the toaster while pushing the toaster button down.  Flip it over a few times until the bread softens enough to cut.  Then toast like normal.

I've never liked it much before, but that was because given the choice of cinnamon crunch bagels, who would want whole wheat?

Now that it's the only bagel I have in the house and it's fresh, it's not so bad.

I really am surprised by how not-hungry I am.

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