Friday, October 16, 2015


23 g of fiber yesterday and I didn't think it was going to be a high number!

Yesterday was really crazy and there wasn't much time.  Running out of the house I grabbed a handful of sweetened shredded wheats in the afternoon and had part of an oatmeal/raisin Clif bar until dinner.  Chick-Fil A was a treat for dinner and I didn't order anything strange.



I'm using a new app that tracks food consumption.  It's branded by UnderArmour, free, and called My Fitness Pal.  It is very easy, although technology and I are not fast friends.

I've also learned that my goal for fat grams was way too low.  50 g is probably a good target;  I previously thought 25 g.  The app showed me how it all works together with calories, which I am not tracking.

Off to the races!

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