Friday, October 23, 2015

Smaller waistline

My clothes are fitting a little different and the proportions are shifting favorably.  Yet I gained 1 1/2 pounds in the last two weeks.

I realize that sitting in front of the T.V. in the evening is a cue for me - "eat anything."  While it is O.K. to completely take a break and splurge, maybe I need to store all the treats away from the living room.  Make it more intentional and less quantity.  I do like treats.

We are eating more fiber.  Success was finding a dinner that has fiber:  beef stroganoff on spinach leaves and East Indian bread naan (bought as a seasonal item at Aldi's.)  The stroganoff had little cream sauce, moderate Parmesan cheese and mushrooms, cooked with the meat instead of sauted earlier in butter.

I ate two Flat-out flatbread quesadilla yesterday with hummus and 1 oz cheese.  Very filling.  The flatbread came from Target and has 9 g of fiber each, so a total of 18 plus 1.5 for the hummus.  19.5 g of fiber for lunch!  Oh, yeah!

Also discovering that being behind, hurried, tired is not when I am likely to tackle eating well.

Also learning from Dr. Oz that the types of fiber can cause stomach upset:  too much insoluble or too much soluble.  One comes from grains and the other produce, I think.

Solution was to eat an apple with the quesadillas yesterday and added a mini yogurt.  I love the feeling of being full.  Some of these high-fiber meals/foods I have been trying definitely fill my tummy.

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