Monday, October 26, 2015

Vietnamese Curry

We went out to a Vietnamese restaurant for the first time and it was fabulous.  

Their curry dish was the best I have ever eaten.  I would hop back in the car and go tomorrow for that dish.  Instead I bought three kinds of curry mixes at Asian grocery store nearby.  I don't know which will taste like the restaurant dish, but oh, it was good.

I noticed an older man in line who only bought two things:  a large frozen fish (about 20 inches long) and four packages of bouillon.  The guy at the restaurant was encouraging us to eat the broth (he was the owner.)  I have heard that snacking all day on vegetable broth is an effective way to loose weight.  It tastes good and keeps your tummy feeling full.  

That would require me cooking more, with a bit of skill.  Hmm...we'll see.  I bought frozen fish, ready to cook in a fry pan.  I'd like to make a fish soup that my family likes.  

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